Titoo MBA is an upcoming Hindi film directed by Amit Vats and produced by Rajan Batra and Mayank Patel. It is a very wonderful movie i ever seen. The film will have some stellar performances from Ranvir Shorey, Govinda and Saif Ali Khan. It will be Govinda’s second film in two weeks and his performance looks promising. Given that the movie is directed by the hit director duo from Go Goa Gone, Happy Ending has reallyraised expectations. We sure think it will be a great watch.
Having made his Bollywood debut in 2011, the young actor landed this film after a few rounds of audition. He says that as soon as he had read the script, he knew he wanted to be a part of the project. A perfect choice to play Titoo's love interest, Pragya was selected for the role in no time. The actress is also currently working on a Telugu movie and hopes to pursue a career in both Hindi and South films.
Titoo MBA, produced by Beatrix Entertainment, releases November 21.
Nishant Dahiya,
Pragya Jaiswal,
Abhishek Kumar
Puja Ballutia
Nandini Singh
Anchal Singh..
Directed by Amit Vats
Produced by Rajan Batra
Mayank Patel
Written by Puja Ballutia
Amit Vats..
Music by Arjuna Harjai
Cinematography Karan B Rawat
Edited by Abhijit Kokate
Sunil Wadhwani
Beatrix Entertainment.
Release date:
November 21, 2014.
Country ; India
Language ;Hindi.